BANTUL - Motif Batik in Yogyakarta Special Region is estimated to reach over 1400 motifs. However, 300 new batik motifs that have been patented within the last 3 years.
"Patented batik motif long to process. So much of patenting 1400 Yogyakarta batik motif need a long process," said the Governor of Yogyakarta Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwono X on the sidelines of the inauguration of the Museum Batik Environment Imogiri, Bantul, Yogyakarta, Monday (12/11 / 2007).
A total of 1400 more batik motifs, most of the creator or pembatiknya unknown. Yogyakarta Provincial Government in cooperation degan Indonesian Islamic University (UII) to form a non-structural body of the special handling or provide facilities to register patents. This includes consulting assistance to companies whose products are patented by someone else.
"Hopefully with the existence of non-structural body, the creators of batik motif is no longer difficult to patent his work. Even if the future is there but the motive is unknown creator of the patent law dimungkinakan owned by the government," said Sultan.
Further, Sultan said more than 1,400 design or motif batik batik craftsmen work in Yogyakarta so far there has been no outside parties who patented the Indonesian government even creators of their works batik motif is not known.
"Batik motif patented by different Malaysian batik motif batik artisans work from Yogyakarta. Design Malaysian batik batik-like design, while a similar coastal or design motif batik of Yogyakarta absolutely nothing," said Sultan
Sultan also stated that the existing batik motif is currently no progress at all or staknan.
Batik clothes there now are old designs, while the new design did not exist. So need some ideas batik design competition, but must be totally new design.
"This design competition is expected to create a design or motif batik really new, so the design of batik staknan not like today," Sultan Pungkas.
(Daru Waskita / Trijaya / fmh)
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