1. Working with a stamp (a tool made from copper which is formed in accordance with the picture or pattern desired). For making a batik stamp handle length and width dimensions: 20 cm x 20 cm it took an average of 2 weeks.
2. Form images on the printed batik design there is always a repetition of the obvious, so the image appears again with the same shape, the size of the line relatively greater motive than batik.
3. Images printed batik is usually not transparent to both sides of the fabric.
4. Basic color fabric is usually older than the color of the scratches motive. This is because printed batik do the closing at the bottom of a more complex pattern as common practice in the batik process. Correlation is by pursuing the sale price is more expensive and time faster production. Time required for a printed batik fabrics ranging from 1 to 3 weeks.
5. To create a variety of printed batik motifs, it can take a lot of cap. While batik cap prices are relatively more expensive than canting. For the price of batik cap on the size of the present 20 cm x 20 cm ranges from Rp. 350.000, - to Rp. 700.000, -/motif. So from the beginning of printed batik capital is relatively more expensive.
6. Usage period batik stamp in good condition can reach 5 years to 10 years, with a record not broken. Repetition of copper batik stamp to pemakainnya almost unlimited.
7. Printed batik selling price is relatively cheaper compared to batik, due to be numerous and usually have other common and not a unique, not special and less exclusive.
Besides the differences between the visual side of batik and batik cap, but from the production side there are some similarities which must pass in both workmanship. Among them are the following:
* Both can be said of batik cloth, because the material is done by using wax as a medium color barrier.
* Prepared by the hand of man almost to create an image and process of the lid color.
* Materials used also as a basic ingredient of white cloth, and not to be distinguished from the basic material of the yarn (cotton or silk) or a form of weaving.
* The use of coloring materials and process the same color, there is no difference anatara batik and printed batik.
* How to determine the lay-out or a patron, and also other forms of motive may be the same between the two. So when they sewed clothes to make no difference to the fashion designer or dressmaker. What distinguishes it is only the image quality.
* How to take care of batik cloth (save, menyuci and use it) there is absolutely no difference.
* To make them take pictures early or basic sketches to facilitate and find out the motive of which will occur.
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